The first episode of Mo was so annoying that it took several months to finish it. But eventually the show gets interesting.
Mo is really annoying that is very hard to love him initially. There were moments when he got in trouble for his immaturity that instead of feeling bad for him, I felt relieved. I hate shows in which there are no consequences for stupid actions. Here, at least, he had to deal with the consequences of his stupidity.
But as an immigrant, I felt connected to him as well. The immigration process is hard. So is the process of adopting to the culture of your new home while maintaining connection to your motherland.
Show also portrays a lot of typical stereotypes of immigrants like cheapskate lawyer working out of incense shop. I have seen all these stereotypes and felt they were right on spot.
In season 2, show gets a bit more serious. It talks a lot more about injustices and horrible situation that Palestinian people are dealing with for last 75 years. Mo also grows up the end of season 2 and you start to feel empathy for him.
Overall, I recommend watching it.