Author: amer

  • Mo (Netflix show)

    The first episode of Mo was so annoying that it took several months to finish it. But eventually the show gets interesting.

    Mo is really annoying that is very hard to love him initially. There were moments when he got in trouble for his immaturity that instead of feeling bad for him, I felt relieved. I hate shows in which there are no consequences for stupid actions. Here, at least, he had to deal with the consequences of his stupidity.

    But as an immigrant, I felt connected to him as well. The immigration process is hard. So is the process of adopting to the culture of your new home while maintaining connection to your motherland.

    Show also portrays a lot of typical stereotypes of immigrants like cheapskate lawyer working out of incense shop. I have seen all these stereotypes and felt they were right on spot.

    In season 2, show gets a bit more serious. It talks a lot more about injustices and horrible situation that Palestinian people are dealing with for last 75 years. Mo also grows up the end of season 2 and you start to feel empathy for him.

    Overall, I recommend watching it.

  • Hunger (2023)

    I saw this movie on the Netflix. It started off strong but turns into a disappointment at the end.

    The movie is about a street food cook who is invited to join a team of top chef.


    The girl wanted to be the best and she even end up opening her own restaurant. But in the end she just wanted to go back to being a street food cook.

    I felt disappointment because the message seemed that the pressure of being the best is not for everyone. Her family instead supporting her, guilt her and wanted her to quit, a weird cooking competition at a party, and then the message of the movie seemed to be that don’t be your best.

    Other than beautiful cooking scenes, there was not much else going on for this movie.

  • The Courage to Be Disliked

    Just finished listening to The Courage to Be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi.

    The book is in the form of dialogue between philosopher and a youth. It discusses Adlerian philosophy.

    The book seems to be written from a Japanese perspective. It talks about “shut-ins”, NEET, and other terms for young people who prefer to isolate themselves. I had never heard of these terms, after some research I learned that it is a huge problem in the Asian countries.

    Another interesting thing was that the “youth” in the book had bad relationship with his father and it seemed he was greatly troubled by it. I understood this part as I grew up in a culture where we also treat parents like gods. But I know many people who grew up in the west and they are totally okay with not having a good relationship with their parents.

    It felt like a lot of wisdom in the book is common sense, at least, in the western cultural context. So I am a little surprised to see how this book is so popular here. I do want to re-read it, perhaps, I am missing something.

    Overall, my rating is 3/5 for now.

  • Post Malone – Losers


    (Verse 1)

    Last callers, last chancers

    9 to 5ers, truckers, dancers

    Couple Chuck’s, Ern’s, and Chandler’s

    With a whole lotta prayers unanswered

    Whiskey by noon, and beer before that

    Southbound train on a hellbound track

    Might just put two middle fingers up and throw one back for all the

    People who ain’t ever felt at home

    Just spinnin’ on a rock and gettin’ stoned


    Yeah this one’s for the Losers

    The outcasts and the sinners

    The ain’t never been no winners

    Let’s hear it for the Losers

    Ain’t got nowhere to fit in

    There’s a place you can always get in


    You might be lonely but you’re never alone

    You’re right here where you’re supposed to be

    Right here with all the Losers

    The one’s like you

    And the one’s like me

    (Verse 2) (Jelly Roll)

    My therapist is a good bartender

    Heart breakers and two month benders

    Bad times that we can’t forget and

    Good times that we won’t remember

    Raise ‘em up when we hear a sad song

    Love the cry of a steel guitar

    No way to change the way we are

    (Chorus) (Jelly Roll)

    This one’s for the Losers

    The outcasts and the sinners

    The ain’t never been no winners

    Let’s hear it for the Losers

    Ain’t got nowhere to fit in

    There’s a place you can always get in

    Oh, oh

    You might be lonely but you’re never alone

    You’re right here where you’re supposed to be

    Right here with all the Losers

    The one’s like you

    And the one’s like me

    (Bridge) (Post)

    If you’re livin’ like you got nothin’ to lose

    (Bridge) (Jelly Roll)

    There’s a spot for you beside me on this stool

    (Chorus) (Post & Jelly Roll)

    Come kick it with the Losers

    The outcasts and the sinners

    The ain’t never been no winners

    Let’s hear it for the Losers

    Ain’t got nowhere to fit in

    There’s a place you can always get in

    Oh, oh

    You might be lonely but you’re never alone

    You’re right here where you’re supposed to be

    Right here with all the Losers

    The one’s like you

    And the one’s like me

  • Road 96

    Road 96 is narrative driven video game. It has old school graphics which was pretty enjoyable.

    When starting it, I didn’t read much about it, so had no idea what was going on. It didn’t seemed like an interesting story at first. It was later I learned that game changes interactions & story based on your choices. That was interesting, so I started play with choices and see their impact.

    It was enjoyable and relaxing experience.

    It has 3 endings, but I didn’t feel motivated to play again.

    7 hours to beat it.

    3/5 stars.

  • The Best TV Shows of All Times

    1. Arcane
    2. X-Files
    3. MacGyver
    4. Seinfeld
    5. The Office
    6. The Last of Us
    7. Fallout
    8. Friends from College
    9. Dead to Me

  • Best Movies of all times

    This list of the greatest movies of all times is in no particular order because all these movies are awesome.

    1. Oppenheimer
    2. The Matrix
    3. Vivarium
    4. The Social Network
    5. Joker
    6. Moneyball
    7. The Founder
    8. The Big Short
    9. The Wolf of Wall Street
    10. Dil Se
    11. Taare Zameen Par
    12. 3 Idiots
    13. Crash
    14. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
    15. Life Is Beautiful
    16. Pan’s Labyrinth
    17. Scarface
    18. Pulp Fiction
    19. Fight Club
    20. The Lion King
    21. Raiders of the Lost Ark
    22. Enterglatic
    23. Office Space
    24. Pursuit of Happyness
    25. Scent of a Woman
  • Sonic 3

    This weekend, I saw Sonic 3 with my son.

    I have never got into Sonic movies, so this was the first Sonic movie I saw. It was really enjoyable movie, Ayden really loved it as well.

    From a parent’s perspective, I liked that it used some common phrases such as “make good choices”, that should help reinforce these messages.

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to 2025!

    I had switched to Hugo a few years ago. The reason was because I didn’t want to manage databases, servers and deal with security. Hugo is a Static Site Generator, there is no worries about SQL injection, burte force attacks etc. It makes your life so much easier.

    But what I noticed that with Hugo I write less and less. I end up spending way more time fine tuning css, instead of writing. So I am rebooting WordPress. Starting from scratch.