Old bookmarks

Sep. 29, 2021

This is slightly a mess, basically various links my bookmarks are here.

  1. http://nautil.us/issue/45/power/against-willpower
  2. https://ubiquity.acm.org/article.cfm?id=3310318
  3. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/26/style/phones-children-silicon-valley.html
  4. Ask HN: Developers with kids, how do you skill up? - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13816627
  5. Ask HN: How can I learn how to paint? - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19375624
  6. Children aren’t born smart. They’re made smart by conversation. - https://slate.com/technology/2013/09/childrens-language-development-talk-and-listen-to-them-from-birth.html
  7. Maker Faire and Science Education: American kids should be building rockets and robots, not taking standardized tests. - https://slate.com/technology/2012/06/maker-faire-and-science-education-american-kids-should-be-building-rockets-and-robots-not-taking-standardized-tests.html
  8. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2018/06/21/621752789/a-lost-secret-how-to-get-kids-to-pay-attention
  9. On Parenthood - https://blog.codinghorror.com/on-parenthood/
  10. reddit: parenting reading list - https://www.reddit.com/r/Parenting/wiki/reading
  11. Resistance Training May Lower Type 2 Diabetes Risk: Study - https://www.menshealth.com/fitness/a26799275/moderate-strength-training-diabetes-risk-study/
  12. Everything You Wanted to Know About STEM for Toddlers - https://preschoolsteam.com/stem-activities-toddlers/
  13. Plano Is the Happiest Place in America - https://www.dmagazine.com/frontburner/2019/03/plano-is-the-happiest-place-in-america/
  14. Good Vibes Are Contagious - https://www.outsideonline.com/2391572/send-good-vibes
  15. Teens and Young Adults Are More Depressed Now Than in the Mid-2000s - https://gizmodo.com/teens-and-young-adults-are-more-depressed-now-than-in-t-1833295562
  16. How Inuit Parents Raise Kids Without Yelling — And Teach Them To Control Anger - https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2019/03/13/685533353/a-playful-way-to-teach-kids-to-control-their-anger
  17. Expert Says Don’t Teach Kids to Code - https://hackaday.com/2019/03/14/expert-says-dont-teach-kids-to-code/
  18. The Longevity Research Institute - https://thelri.org/blog-and-news/melatonin-s-effect-on-skin-and-hair/
  19. https://yourkidstable.com/about/
  20. When Ancient Societies Hit a Million People, Vengeful Gods Appeared - https://www.livescience.com/65039-punishing-gods-rise-with-complex-societies.html
  21. A morning fitness routine that’s good for your brain, too - https://www.cnn.com/2019/03/21/health/fitness-routine-brain-morning-exercise-mansour/index.html
  22. Teaching Children to Walk Independently! - One of the first reassurances I can give families is that Motor Milestones exist on a continuum. Each child achieves these skills at their own time, in their own way. Though we learn motor development from textbooks positing neurodevelopment theory to explain skill acquisition and motor patterning, the manifestation of this progression takes on distinct characteristics when we look at each child as a unique creation. - http://blog.dinopt.com/independent-walking-kids/
  23. Posture Power: How To Correct Your Body’s Alignment - https://www.bodybuilding.com/content/posture-power-how-to-correct-your-body-alignment.html
  24. Best Camping Near Me | Hipcamp’s Interactive Map of Private and Public Land - https://www.hipcamp.com/discover/texas/cedar-hill?lat=33.0304&lng=-96.8777
  25. How to increase serotonin in the human brain without drugs (2007) | Hacker News - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19482241
  26. Scientists have also administered cognitive tests right after exercise—for example, measuring the flicker fusion threshold (the rate at which a flashing light begins to look like it’s steadily glowing) and found the same thing: After exercise, one’s senses are heightened and thus can detect the flashing at a higher frequency than before exercise.Taken together, these findings indicate that “people see more clearly and immediately after exercise,” Maddock says. “They can make finer visual distinctions; their perceptions are sharper.” - https://www.outsideonline.com/2186146/your-brain-exercise
  27. https://theweek.com/articles/830490/rise-snowplow-parenting
  28. How do I ensure my only child isn’t socially isolated? - https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/on-parenting/as-my-only-child-grows-what-is-my-role/2019/03/25/12b18e26-4a57-11e9-b79a-961983b7e0cd_story.html
  29. https://www.wellandgood.com/bodyweight-vs-weights-workouts/
  30. Atomic ML | Resources to help you learn data science and machine learning. - https://www.atomicml.com/
  31. https://metroplexsocial.com/2019/03/16/best-playgrounds-in-dfw-to-take-your-kids/
  32. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/04/magazine/how-asmr-videos-became-a-sensation-youtube.html
  33. A five-minute workout called Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training (IMST) lowers blood pressure in middle-aged to older adults; it also improves artery function and scores on memory tests, according to new research. - http://www.sci-news.com/medicine/inspiratory-muscle-strength-training-blood-pressure-brain-07077.html
  34. https://aeon.co/essays/how-to-live-a-values-driven-life-in-the-face-of-dark-emotions
  35. Notably, most improvements in GI symptoms were maintained, and autism-related symptoms improved even more after the end of treatment. Important changes in gut microbiota at the end of treatment remained at follow-up, including significant increases in bacterial diversity and relative abundances of Bifidobacteria and Prevotella. Our observations demonstrate the long-term safety and efficacy of MTT as a potential therapy to treat children with ASD who have GI problems, and warrant a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in the future. - https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-42183-0
  36. Anything you can do to keep from packing up your shit and leaving is called love. - http://a.co/7cPPwc2
  37. It is hard sometimes to keep in mind the growth-promoting potential of the mismatches between parent and child goals because the parents’ empathy for the child can make them feel as if it is their fault that they cannot fulfill the child’s wishes. - http://a.co/cbhTMiO
  38. The basic premise of attachment theory is that toddlers can grow into happy and competent children if they can rely on at least one adult who makes them feel safe and protected. From this basic feeling of security in relationships grows the impetus to explore how things work in the world and to try out new skills. - http://a.co/1QjXVtb
  39. Toddlers walk through life like we all wish we could: confident, demanding, and 100 percent positive that they are the center of the universe. - http://a.co/7nddWp3
  40. http://www.optionstrading.org/strategies/a-z-list/
  41. Ask HN: What is your money-making side project outside programming? | Hacker News - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19712057
  42. https://www.cbc.ca/parents/learning/view/parenting-isnt-that-hard
  43. https://discover.dc.nihr.ac.uk/content/signal-000711/aerobic-exercise-is-an-effective-treatment-for-depression
  44. https://www.wellandgood.com/good-sweat/power-in-fitness/
  45. It has been said that children need to take 3,000 steps or cover 24 foot ball fields before they can learn to walk by themselves. Lets just say they need to do 100’s of steps/day -best if it is in a condensed period of time- to learn to walk. - https://maryevanspt.wordpress.com/2016/12/14/how-to-get-your-baby-and-toddler-to-walk/
  46. https://blog.usejournal.com/things-you-learn-after-1-year-of-day-trading-for-a-living-a97bbc8d19fa
  47. Trading and Data Science - http://www.algonell.com/blog
  48. https://algodaily.com/lessons/solving-the-health-problems-of-software-engineers
  49. https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/why_attachment_parenting_is_not_the_same_as_secure_attachment
  50. The dangers of over-parenting - https://www.valleynewslive.com/content/news/The-dangers-of-over-parenting-509683601.html
  51. Evidence-based parenting: how to deal with aggression, tantrums and defiance - https://theconversation.com/evidence-based-parenting-how-to-deal-with-aggression-tantrums-and-defiance-95439
  52. No matter what you accomplish, achieve or do, somebody is always up to something far more epic than you are if you live your life through the lens of your Facebook news feed. - https://medium.com/the-mission/why-excessive-consumption-limits-your-creativity-6e925dd66daa
  53. https://www.macstories.net/stories/beyond-the-tablet/
  54. https://www.optionsprofitcalculator.com/
  55. https://seekingalpha.com/article/4254004-rentals-vs-reits-best-way-invest-real-estate-practical-case-study
  56. Ask HN: Should I quit my job? | Hacker News - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20024943
  57. https://www.learning-mind.com/only-child-syndrome-signs-effects/
  58. Ask HN: What is the real Value of Real Estate Agent? | Hacker News - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14301230
  59. Do you ever get that feeling when listening to a great song that makes all the hairs on your arm stand on end? - https://www.indy100.com/article/music-goosebumps-some-people-science-research-emotions-psychology-study-harvard-7926781
  60. The key to physical fitness isn’t exercise, it’s movement — Quartzy - https://qz.com/quartzy/1641863/the-key-to-physical-fitness-isnt-exercise-its-movement/
  61. https://www.aaii.com/journal/article/a-comparison-of-backtesting-tools
  62. How to Automatically Backup a Linux VPS to a Separate Cloud Storage Service | Hacker News - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20146648
  63. How to parent more predictably (2018) | Hacker News - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20173675
  64. It also appears that belonging to the London cluster made writers substantially more productive. Mitchell finds that the average writer in London saw their productivity go up by 12 percent. By comparison, writers in smaller clusters, in Dublin, Edinburgh, Oxford, and Cambridge, saw no such gains. Furthermore, being part of the London cluster increased the likelihood of an author having their work published in any given year by 24 percent. - https://www.citylab.com/life/2019/06/british-irish-writers-london-clustering-dickens-woolf/590884/
  65. Research led by the University of Exeter, published in Scientific Reports and funded by NIHR, found that people who spend at least 120 minutes in nature a week are significantly more likely to report good health and higher psychological wellbeing than those who don’t visit nature at all during an average week. However, no such benefits were found for people who visited natural settings such as town parks, woodlands, country parks and beaches for less than 120 minutes a week. - https://medicalxpress.com/news/2019-06-hours-week-key-dose-nature.html
  66. The difference a dad can make - https://www.evoke.org/articles/june-2019/Data-Driven/Fresh_Takes/the-difference-a-dad-can-make
  67. Ask HN: Has anybody successfully changed their career to become a writer? | Hacker News - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16495718
  68. Ask HN: Have any former developers successfully changed careers? | Hacker News - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20318965
  69. Ask HN: How do I get into electronics from scratch? | Hacker News - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20300037
  70. Ask HN: If you were a coder who successfully changed careers, what do you do now? | Hacker News - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14847646
  71. Ask HN: What do I tell my students about starting Freelancing? | Hacker News - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20304980
  72. so you want to be a writer? by Charles Bukowski: https://poets.org/poem/so-you-want-be-writer
  73. The 10 books that changed my career as a software engineer: https://storyforj.com/s/dk79PY
  74. In May 2012 I made a commitment that changed my career: A simple task, completed every day, that skyrocketed my blog and allowed me to make over $30,000 in 6 weeks: https://nathanbarry.com/commitment-changed-career/
  75. What is the Average Profit on a House Flip? - https://investfourmore.com/average-house-flip-profit/
  76. How This Real Estate Agent Made $100,000 In One Month From His YouTube Channel - https://www.forbes.com/sites/jrose/2019/07/15/how-this-real-estate-agent-made-100000-in-one-month-from-his-youtube-channel/
  77. Vonnegut: Can you believe this guy? He makes more money in a single day than we’ll make in our entire lives. And you wrote Catch-22! > Heller: Sure, but I have something he’ll never have. > Vonnegut: Yeah, Joe? What’s that? > Heller: Enough: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20436934
  78. Books for Quants – Towards Data Science - https://towardsdatascience.com/books-for-quants-1b0f51dd7745
  79. The deliberate dog body language of curving is used in polite greetings, negotiation, or as a calming signal. A head-on, frontal approach can be seen as confrontational. The curving could be the curving of the dog’s body (which makes a slight c-shape), or a directional curve in the path the dog walks on approach. Some have described it as a ‘banana walk’, an easy descriptive way to imagine the direction of walk, due to the shape of the path taken by the dog. — https://www.silentconversations.com/dog-body-language-curving-silent-conversations/
  80. These writers got their start after age 35—there’s still hope for you: https://theamericanscholar.org/35-over-35/
  81. 6 Alternatives To Freelancing For Engineers – https://medium.com/@AndrewPierno/6-alternatives-to-freelancing-for-engineers-f6e56d20f793
  82. How Long It’s Safe to Leave Food Unrefrigerated - https://www.thekitchn.com/how-long-can-you-leave-cooked-foods-unrefrigerated-kitchen-facts-218225
  83. Anxiety Looks Different in Men – https://www.wsj.com/articles/anxiety-looks-different-in-men-11564494352
  84. The $61,392 Book Launch That Let Me Quit My Job: https://adamwathan.me/the-book-launch-that-let-me-quit-my-job/
  85. “The most important emotional accomplishment of the toddler years is reconciling the urge to become competent and self-reliant with the simultaneous and sometimes contradictory longing for parental love and protection.” — The Emotional Life of the Toddler by Alicia F. Lieberman - http://a.co/ahiuBee
  86. The Essential 6 Month Calisthenics Workout Plan - http://www.barbrothersgroningen.com/calisthenics-workout-plan/
  87. Pop culture lionizes the dazzling brilliance of money managers on the autism spectrum. Reality rarely measures up: https://www.institutionalinvestor.com/article/b1gq9tqwk8z108/They-Get-Fired-All-the-Time-And-They-Have-No-Idea-Why
  88. “It is neither possible nor desirable to be always attuned and responsive to the moods and wishes of children.” — The Emotional Life of the Toddler by Alicia F. Lieberman - http://a.co/fwr0A4E
  89. Most knowledge worth having comes from practice. It comes from doing. It comes from creating. Reading about the trade war with China doesn’t make you smarter—it gives you something to say at dinner parties. It gives you the illusion that you have the vaguest idea what is happening in our enormously complex world: https://tjcx.me/posts/consumption-distraction/
  90. “but the often observed increased involvement of fathers in the toddler years may be linked to findings that fathers as a group are more likely than mothers to promote the adventurous exploration and challenging play that toddlers are now ready to join.” — The Emotional Life of the Toddler by Alicia F. Lieberman - http://a.co/89HPMXr
  91. “One study, for example, found that children who showed a secure attachment to their fathers by seeking them out for comfort when feeling stressed had fewer behavior problems and showed more competence in school and peer groups than did those who had an insecure relationship with their fathers.” — The Emotional Life of the Toddler by Alicia F. Lieberman - http://a.co/5KTWPMl
  92. Living cells in the human body experience forces of various frequencies (for example breathing, heartbeats, walking, running, jumping and singing), typically ranging from 0.2 hertz to hundreds of hertz,” the researchers wrote. At the highest frequencies, cells became stiffer and the enzymes that guide gene transcription could not bind to the DNA, the team found.Cells’ immediate responsiveness to force makes sense from an evolutionary perspective, Wang said.”Cells must be able to respond quickly to things in their environment so they can survive,” he said. - https://phys.org/news/2020-04-physical-spurs-gene-reveals.html
  93. Senate Stock Watcher - See What Senators are Trading: https://senatestockwatcher.com/
  94. Analyzing HN readers’ personal blogs | Hacker News - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22822401>
  95. Six super-short sci-fi stories that explore the post-COVID-19 world. - https://sudowriters.com/anthology/fever-dreams/
  96. How A Goat Farmer Built A Doomsday Machine That Just Booked A 4,144% Return: https://www.forbes.com/sites/antoinegara/2020/04/13/how-a-goat-farmer-built-a-doomsday-machine-that-just-booked-a-4144-return/
  97. How long does it take to beat your favorite games? - https://howlongtobeat.com/#search1
  98. Find out how to entertain a two-year-old here! 40+ best activities for two-year-olds. Inside you will find indoor play ideas, sensory play prompts, and painting play activities. - https://www.dayswithgrey.com/blog/top-activities-two-year-olds
  99. An important point to note here is that automated trading does not mean it is free from human intervention. Automated trading has caused the focus of human intervention to shift from the process of trading to a more behind-the-scenes role, which involves devising newer alpha-seeking strategies on a regular basis: https://blog.quantinsti.com/learn-algorithmic-trading/
  100. In this article we’ll look into a real options trading strategy, like the strategies that we code for clients. This one however is based on a system from a trading book. As mentioned before, options trading books often contain systems that really work – which can not be said about day trading or forex trading books. The system examined here is indeed able to produce profits. Which is not surprising, since it apparently never loses. But it is also obvious that its author has never backtested it: https://financial-hacker.com/algorithmic-options-trading-part-3/
  101. Algorithmic Trading at home – how should I get started? | QuantNet Community: https://quantnet.com/threads/algorithmic-trading-at-home-how-should-i-get-started.3611/
  102. This is the fourth part of a series of articles on backtesting trading strategies in Python. The previous ones described the following topics:introducing the zipline framework and presenting how to test basic strategies: https://towardsdatascience.com/algorithmic-trading-based-on-technical-analysis-in-python-80d445dc6943
  103. Algorithmic Trading Bot: Python - Towards Data Science: https://towardsdatascience.com/algorithmic-trading-bot-python-ab8f42c37145
  104. If you’re considering algo trading as a career then be sure to talk to a lot of people doing it. I spent several years trying to break in to the industry at a few prop firms with only middling success. Here are my observations:1. The vast majority of firms only hire people with CS or math degrees from top 10 schools, with an MS being the minimum. There are few exceptions.2. Nobody is making as much money as they used to.3. Depending on what firm you end up at you will probably spend a lot less time building cool strategies and a lot more time trying to shave off a few microseconds here and there.4. Be prepared for a pretty rough work environment. Swearing, violent outbursts, people being secretive and not sharing ideas.5. If you’re lucky, management will be STEM people. If you’re not, they will be former floor traders who have managed to stay alive this long. - Ask HN: How do I get started with Algo trading? | Hacker News - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11332960
  105. Ask HN: How to launch an algo trading side project? | Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16376015
  106. I write (program, paint, animate, market, and so on) computer games like this one1. The recent economic troubles haven’t effected me negatively that much, instead it’s been a positive thing as more people are home and playing more games. I don’t necessarily want to ‘profit’ from all the hardship around, but I’m glad to provide products that entertain and hopefully make the current situation a bit more bearable – that feels good.I got started over 10 years ago now, making Flash-based games and licensing them to various web portal and publishers, which was good money for a student back then! A little indie game developer golden age where you’d get a lot of players and also a few thousand dollars per game without too much trouble. I went on from there doing self-published games that anyone can buy on Steam or the Mac Store, both of which provide about 90% of my revenue, and the remaining 10% are from smaller stores and game distributors.1 https://store.steampowered.com/app/654960/The_Eldritch_Zooke… <- My current project. - Ask HN: Successful one-person online businesses? | Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22858035
  107. Ask HN: Those making $500/month on side projects in 2019 – Show and tell | Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20899863
  108. Ask HN: What is your passive income 2019? | Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21389776
  109. Build a Day-Trading Algorithm and Run it in the Cloud Using Only Free Services - https://medium.com/automation-generation/build-a-day-trading-algorithm-and-run-it-in-the-cloud-for-free-805450150668
  110. How To Be A Professional Author And Not Die Screaming And Starving In A Lightless Abyss – Chuck Wendig: http://terribleminds.com/ramble/2019/09/17/how-to-be-a-professional-author-and-not-die-screaming-and-starving-in-a-lightless-abyss/
  111. How to Find Consulting Clients: https://chrisachard.com/how-to-find-consulting-clients
  112. Introduction to Algotrading (2011) [pdf] | Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19215026
  113. Questions to ask a company during a job interview | Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20916749
  114. Toddler Development: What Every Parent Needs to Know: https://theeverymom.com/toddler-development-what-every-parent-needs-to-know/
  115. What’s good career advice you wouldn’t want to have your name on? | Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21150930
  116. Ask HN: Why did you leave tech industry? | Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22876241
  117. Ask HN: What did you do to get extra streams of income for yourself? | Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23010294
  118. Using Reinforcement Learning in the Algorithmic Trading Problem | Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23022864
  119. Analysis of 41k dev agencies with hourly rates, team size and tech stack | Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23115364
  120. Ask HN: Mind bending books to read and never be the same as before? | Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23151144
  121. Things You Learn After 1 Year of Day Trading for a Living: https://blog.usejournal.com/things-you-learn-after-1-year-of-day-trading-for-a-living-a97bbc8d19fa
  122. Early Child Development Abilities by Age: https://pathways.org/all-ages/abilities/
  123. Youtube Workouts for Every Activity and Fitness Level | Outside Online - https://www.outsideonline.com/2412248/best-youtube-workout-videos-channels
  124. Ask HN: Ways to generate income when you’re at home without pay? | Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23258111
  125. Lots of Oppurtunities to make money online: https://www.lotsofopps.com/
  126. Ask HN: If you could work remote where would you live? | Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23294799
  127. Autism severity can change substantially during early childhood: https://health.ucdavis.edu/health-news/newsroom/autism-severity-can-change-substantially-during-early-childhood/2020/05
  128. Ask HN: I recently lost my job, I want to pursue blogging as a career. Thoughts? | Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23431466
  129. Ask HN: How do I start my own consulting firm? | Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13845681
  130. Ask HN: I implemented the life I designed: perfect but I feel lost. What now? | Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23450110
  131. Ask HN: What is the smartest career path to take? | Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23458316
  132. Some possible career goals: https://jvns.ca/blog/2018/09/30/some-possible-career-goals/
  133. Ask HN: Is working as a developer on technical route until retirement feasible? | Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23503947
  134. Machine Learning Field Guide: https://www.kamwithk.com/machine-learning-field-guide-ckbbqt0iv025u5ks1a7kgjckx
  135. Aging on Nautilus: Why You Can’t Help But Act Your Age: http://aging.nautil.us/feature/218/why-you-cant-help-but-act-your-age
  136. deerawan/react-native-flashcard-app · GitHub: https://github.com/deerawan/react-native-flashcard-app/tree/master/utils
  137. GitHub – wesbos/burner-email-providers: A list of temporary email providers: https://github.com/wesbos/burner-email-providers
  138. Ask HN: Consulting in tech. How to start? | Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23740167
  139. Ask HN: If given freedom to choose, what full-time job would you choose and why? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23772648
  140. Learnings From A Year of Being Indie: https://ryanashcraft.com/a-year-of-being-indie/
  141. DIY Video Hosting: https://tyler.io/diy-video-hosting/
  142. Why Helicopter Parenting Fosters Failure | Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-baby-scientist/202007/why-helicopter-parenting-fosters-failure
  143. How you attach to people may explain a lot about your inner life | Science | The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2020/jan/10/psychotherapy-childhood-mental-health
  144. Tech Jobs for Good helps you find tech jobs at mission driven companies around the US: https://techjobsforgood.com/?q=&impact_areas=Environment&impact_areas=Food+%26+Agriculture
  145. Ask HN: Former software engineers, what are you doing now? | Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23951850
  146. GitHub – jeltehomminga/pubquiz: pubquiz: https://github.com/jeltehomminga/pubquiz
  147. Why Success Won’t Make You Happy – The Atlantic: https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2020/07/why-success-wont-make-you-happy/614731/
  148. Is Making Advanced GUI Applications with Godot the Future? | by Erik Engheim https://medium.com/swlh/what-makes-godot-engine-great-for-advance-gui-applications-b1cfb941df3b
  149. 50 Magazines and Anthologies That Pay for Horror Fiction: https://www.freedomwithwriting.com/freedom/uncategorized/50-magazines-and-anthologies-that-pay-for-horror-fiction/
  150. I Quit My Job. Here’s How I Planned the Start as an Entrepreneur | by Sjors van Dongen: https://medium.com/@sjorsvandongen/i-quit-my-job-heres-how-i-planned-the-start-as-an-entrepreneur-7bc546631431
  151. How do you find your passion? Am I off course? | Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15993395
  152. Notes on “Anthropology of Childhood” by David Lancy: https://thewholesky.wordpress.com/2020/08/27/notes-on-anthropology-of-childhood-by-david-lancy/
  153. Most favorited Hacker News posts of all time: https://observablehq.com/@tomlarkworthy/hacker-favourites-analysis
  154. Algorithmic Trading Using Logistic Regression – Hands-Off Investing: https://handsoffinvesting.com/an-algorithmic-trading-strategy-using-logistic-regression/
  155. Ask HN: What is your favorite motto? | Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24436135
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  157. All 149 Combined Ark Invest ETF Holdings: https://cathiesark.com/ark-funds-combined/complete-holdings
  158. https://marketstream.io/