Wealth Lab Pro Earning Play Screener

Sep. 29, 2021

This is a quick script that I use to find options to buy or sell.

 using  System;
 using  System.Collections.Generic;
 using  System.Text;
 using  System.Drawing;
 using  WealthLab;
 using  WealthLab.Indicators;
 using  Community.Components;

 namespace  WealthLab.Strategies
	 public class  MyStrategy  : WealthScript

		 protected override void  Execute()
			DataSeries maFast = EMAModern.Series(Close,  50 );
			DataSeries maSlow = EMAModern.Series(Close,  200 );
			DataSeries maFast_1 = EMAModern.Series(Close,  10 );
			DataSeries maSlow_2 = EMAModern.Series(Close,  50 );
			DataSeries ma = EMAModern.Series(Close,  10 );
			DataSeries maFast_3 = EMAModern.Series(Close,  10 );
			DataSeries maSlow_4 = EMAModern.Series(Close,  50 );

			PlotSeries(PricePane,EMAModern.Series(Close, 50 ),Color.Red,LineStyle.Solid, 2 );
			PlotSeries(PricePane,EMAModern.Series(Close, 200 ),Color.Green,LineStyle.Solid, 2 );
			PlotSeries(PricePane,EMAModern.Series(Close, 10 ),Color.Blue,LineStyle.Solid, 2 );
			PlotSeries(PricePane,EMAModern.Series(Close, 50 ),Color.Red,LineStyle.Solid, 2 );
			PlotSeries(PricePane,EMAModern.Series(Close, 10 ),Color.Blue,LineStyle.Solid, 2 );

			//for(int bar = GetTradingLoopStartBar(201); bar < Bars.Count; bar++)
 			 int  bar = Bars.Count -  1 ;
				 if  (IsLastPositionActive)
					Position p = LastPosition;
					 if  (p.EntrySignal.Contains(&#34;Group1|&#34; ))
						 if  (CrossUnder(bar, maFast_3, maSlow_4))
							SellAtMarket(bar +  1 , p, &#34;Group1&#34; );

					 if  (maFast[bar] > maSlow[bar])
						 if  (maFast_1[bar] > maSlow_2[bar])
							 if  (Close[bar] < ma[bar])
								 if  (EarningsDate.InWindow( this , bar, &#34;earnings per share&#34; ,  7 ,  0 ))

									BuyAtMarket(bar +  1 , &#34;Group1|&#34; );
