Nov 10 - Ultra light dev setup

Jan 20 - How to backup Kubernetes’ Config

Jan 11 - git error: github.com:abc/xyz.git did not send all necessary objects

Jan 3 - An Algorithm for Passing Programming Interviews | Hacker News


Dec 29 - Kubernetes not passing full path to Nodejs

Dec 1 - Ask HN: Software Engineer hitting 40: what’s next?

Sep 29 - Wealth Lab Pro Earning Play Screener

Jun 2 - Importing plotly failed. Interactive plots will not work.

May 17 - Docker in 5 minutes

May 10 - Json_error_ctrl_char

May 9 - Find Large Directories on AIX

May 9 - Error Xcode Select Error Tool Xcodebuild Requires Xcode Active Developer Directory Command Line Tools Instance

May 9 - Setup Outgoing Email on Lightsail Ubuntu VPS

May 8 - Files Empty in html form?

May 8 - hsts Neterr_cert_common_name_invalid

May 8 - TypeError: require.extensions.hasOwnProperty is not a function

May 8 - Disable Ping in Linux

May 4 - Troubleshooting Kubernetes Ingress


Jun 26 - iPad Pro as main machine after 2 years


May 25 - Git Simplified

Mar 25 - Tools of Trade


Dec 4 - You don’t need a web developer

Dec 2 - WordPress vs Hugo

Nov 14 - iPad Pro for Programming & Fun

Oct 13 - ReflectionException: Class Tests\Unit\Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException does not exist

Sep 22 - Upgrading to PHP 7.0 on Ubuntu 14

Aug 19 - Setting Up Laravel on MacOS


May 1 - Magento – Get All Products with Categories in a Flat View

Apr 21 - OpenShift Error: Layer 7 Wrong Status, Invalid Response


Jul 7 - How to Tell if a Number Is Whole in Php

Apr 22 - Filter Some Keys in Multi Dimensional Arrays in Php


Apr 22 - MySQL Update If Exist Else Insert Procedure


Sep 7 - Codeigniter Creates a New Session With Each Page Load

Aug 7 - Codeigniter Out of Memory Error

Jul 2 - ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

Apr 22 - Setting Up Pentaho BI on Windows Box


Jul 7 - Useful Sar Sysstat Examples for Unix Linux Performance Monitoring